Types of Mental illness
- Feel sad, irritable, guilty and frustrated.
- Feel lack in confidence and unable to concentrate.
- Stop their usual enjoyable activities
- Withdraw from close family and friends
- Experience sleep problems, change of appetite and significant weight loss or gain.
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Fear of contamination from germs, dirt, and other physical and environmental substances
- Intrusive thoughts and images about sex, violence, accidents and other issues
- Excessive concern with symmetry and orderliness
- Excessive concerns about illness, religious issues or morality
- Excessive hand washing, showering and tooth brushing
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Avoiding reminders of the event, such as thoughts, feelings, people, places, activities or situations that bring back memories of the event.
- Negative changes in feelings and thoughts, such as feeling angry, afraid, guilty, flat or numb, and feeling cut off from others.
- Being overly alert, becoming easily startled and constantly being on the lookout for signs of danger.
Bipolar affective disorder
- Going without sleep and difficulty concentrating
- Thinking and speaking quickly
- Reckless behaviour, such as overspending
- Participating in unsafe sexual activity
- Withdrawal from people and activities
- Feelings of sadness and guilty
- Confused thinking
- Delusions – false beliefs that are not shared by others.
- Hallucinations – hearing, seeing, smelling or tasting something that isn't there.
- Changed behaviours and feelings.
- Use and abuse of substances continue despite health problems
- An inability to stop the obsession
- Risking to take large doses
- Sleeplessness